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Version vom 7. September 2021, 01:40 Uhr von StadtbahnBI>Verdy p (incorrect language code)
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Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:DateI18n/Doku erstellt werden

  __  __           _       _        ____        _       ___ _  ___        
 |  \/  | ___   __| |_   _| | ___ _|  _ \  __ _| |_ ___|_ _/ |( _ ) _ __  
 | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ (_) | | |/ _` | __/ _ \| || |/ _ \| '_ \ 
 | |  | | (_) | (_| | |_| | |  __/_| |_| | (_| | ||  __/| || | (_) | | | |
 |_|  |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___(_)____/ \__,_|\__\___|___|_|\___/|_| |_|
This module is intended for processing of date strings.

Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at Module:Date/sandbox and testing 
at Module:Date/sandbox/testcases and Module talk:Date/sandbox/testcases.

Authors and maintainers:
* User:Parent5446 - original version of the function mimicking template:ISOdate
* User:Jarekt - original version of the functions mimicking template:Date 
require('Module:No globals')

-- ==================================================
-- === Internal functions ===========================
-- ==================================================

-- Function allowing for consistent treatment of boolean-like wikitext input.
-- It works similarly to Module:Yesno
local function yesno(val, default)
	if type(val) == 'boolean' then
		return val
	elseif type(val) == 'number' then
		if val == 1 then 
			return true
		elseif val == 0 then
			return false
	elseif type(val) == 'string' then
	    val = string.lower(val)  -- put in lower case
	    if val == 'no'  or val == 'n' or val == 'false' or tonumber(val) == 0 then
	        return false
	    elseif val == 'yes' or val == 'y' or val == 'true'  or tonumber(val) == 1 then
	        return true
    return default

-- String replacement that ignores part of the string in "..."
local function strReplace(String, old, new)
	if String:find('"') then
		local T={}
		for i, str in ipairs(mw.text.split( String, '"', true )) do
			if i%2==1 then
				str = str:gsub(old, new)
			table.insert(T, str)
		return table.concat(T,'"')
		return String:gsub(old, new)

-- process datevec
--  * datevec - Array of {year,month,day,hour,minute,second, tzhour, tzmin} containing broken 
--    down date-time component strings or numbers
--  * datecode - a code specifying content of the array where Y' is year, 'M' is month, 'D' is day,
--     'h' is hour, 'm' minute, 's' is second. output has to be one of YMDhms, YMDhm, YMD, YM, Y, MDhms, MDhm, MD, M
--  * datenum - same array but holding only numbers or nuls
local function parserDatevec(datevec)
	-- create datecode based on which variables are provided and check for out-of-bound values
	local maxval = {  1/0, 12, 31, 23, 59, 60,  23, 59 } -- max values (or 1/0=+inf) for year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tzhour, tzmin
	local minval = { -1/0, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, -23, 00 } -- min values (or -1/0=-inf) for year, month, ...
	local codes = { 'Y', 'M', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's', '', '' } -- WARNING: 'M' alone would be ambiguous if it does not follow 'Y' or 'h'
	local datecode = '' -- a string signifying which combination of variables was provided
	local datenum = {} -- date-time encoded as a vector = [year, month, ... , second, tzhour, tzmin]
	for i = 1, 8 do
        local c, val = codes[i], datevec[i]
        if c == 'M' and type(val) == 'string' and val ~= '' and not tonumber(val) then
            -- When the month is not a number, check if it's a month name in the project's language.
            val = mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate('n', val)
        val = tonumber(val)
        if val and val >= minval[i] and val <= maxval[i] then -- These tests work with infinite min/max values.
            if c == 'm' then -- Field for minute accepted only if it follows another valid 'M',  'D' or 'h' field.
               if not string.find('MDh', datecode:sub(-1)) then
                   c = ''; val = nil -- field for minute is invalid
            elseif c == 's' then -- Field for leap second '60' is valid only at end of 23:59 UTC, on 30 June or 31 December of specific years.
               if val == 60 and not( -- Leap second are are added (or dropped) on specific dates planned only some months before.
                   datenum[1] and -- A year is specified (to check it would require constantly maintaining a table of dates).
                   (datenum[2] == 6 and datenum[3] == 30 or datenum[2] == 12 and datenum[3] == 31) and
                   datenum[4] == 23 and datenum[5] == 59
               ) then
                   c = ''; val = nil -- Field for second is invalid in this case, don't add the field.
			datecode = datecode .. c
            datenum[i] = val
	return datecode, datenum
-- process datevec
--  * datecode - a code specifying content of the array where Y' is year, 'M' is month,
--     'D' is day, 'H' is hour, 'i' minute, 's' is second.
--     Output has to be one of YMDhms, YMDhm, YMD, YM, Y, MDhms, MDhm, MD, M.
--  * datenum - Array of {year,month,day,hour,minute,second, tzhour, tzmin} as numbers or nuls
--  * timeStamp - date string in the format taken by mw.language:formatDate lua function and {{#time}} parser function
--  * datecode - with possible corrections
local function getTimestamp(datecode, datenum)
	-- create timestamp string (for example 2000-02-20 02:20:20) based on which variables were provided
	local timeStamp
    -- date starting by a year
	if datecode == 'YMDhms' then
		timeStamp = string.format('%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i', datenum[1], datenum[2], datenum[3], datenum[4], datenum[5], datenum[6] )
	elseif datecode == 'YMDhm' then
		timeStamp = string.format('%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i', datenum[1], datenum[2], datenum[3], datenum[4], datenum[5] )
	elseif datecode:sub(1,3)=='YMD' then
		timeStamp = string.format('%04i-%02i-%02i', datenum[1], datenum[2], datenum[3] )
		datecode = 'YMD' -- 'YMDhms', 'YMDhm' and 'YMD' are the only supported format starting with 'YMD'; all others will be converted to 'YMD'.
	elseif datecode:sub(1,2) == 'YM' then
		timeStamp = string.format('%04i-%02i', datenum[1], datenum[2] )
	elseif datecode:sub(1,1)=='Y' then
		timeStamp = string.format('%04i', datenum[1] )
		datecode = 'Y' 
    -- date starting by a month (the implied year is 2000)
	elseif datecode== 'MDhms' then
		timeStamp = string.format('%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i', 2000, datenum[2], datenum[3], datenum[4], datenum[5], datenum[6] )
	elseif datecode == 'MDhm' then
		timeStamp = string.format('%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i', 2000, datenum[2], datenum[3], datenum[4], datenum[5] )
	elseif datecode:sub(1,2) == 'MD' then
		timeStamp = string.format('%04i-%02i-%02i', 2000, datenum[2], datenum[3] )
		datecode = 'MD' -- 'MDhms', 'MDhm' and 'MD' are the only supported format starting with 'MD'; all others will be converted to 'MD'
	elseif datecode:sub(1,1) == 'M' then -- Ambiguous: could mean minutes, but here means month (when parsed as a name/abbrev, not as a number).
		timeStamp = string.format('%04i-%02i-%02i', 2000, datenum[2], 1 )
    -- other possible but unrecognized formats (e.g. 'DHis', 'DHi', 'D', 'His', 'Hi');
    -- note that 'Dh', 'D', 'h', 's' may eventually work, but not 'm' for minute only, which is ambiguous with 'M' for month only.
		timeStamp = nil -- format not supported
	return timeStamp, datecode

-- trim leading zeros in years prior to year 1000
--  * datestr   - translated date string 
--  * lang      - language of translation
--  * datestr - updated date string 

local function trimYear(datestr, year, lang)
	local yearStr0, yearStr1, yearStr2, zeroStr
	yearStr0 = string.format('%04i', year ) -- 4 digit year in standard form "0123"
	yearStr1 = 'Y', yearStr0) -- same as calling {{#time}} parser function
	--yearStr1 = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction( "#time", { 'Y', yearStr0, lang } ) -- translate to a language 
	if yearStr0==yearStr1 then -- most of languages use standard form of year 
		yearStr2 = tostring(year)
	else -- some languages use different characters for numbers
		yearStr2 = yearStr1
		zeroStr = mw.ustring.sub(yearStr1,1,1) -- get "0" in whatever language
		for i=1,3 do -- trim leading zeros
			if mw.ustring.sub(yearStr2,1,1)==zeroStr then
				yearStr2 = mw.ustring.sub(yearStr2, 2, 5-i)
	return string.gsub(datestr, yearStr1, yearStr2 ) -- in datestr replace long year with trimmed one

-- Look up proper format string to be passed to {{#time}} parser function
--  * datecode: YMDhms, YMDhm, YMD, YM, Y, MDhms, MDhm, MD, or M
--  * day     : Number between 1 and 31 (not needed for most languages)
--  * lang    : language
--  * dFormat : input to {{#time}} function
local function getDateFormat(datecode, day, lang)
	local function parseFormat(dFormat, day)
		if dFormat:find('default') and #dFormat>10 then
			-- Special (and messy) case of dFormat code depending on a day number, where data is a
			-- JSON-encoded table {”default”:”*”,”dDD”:”*”} including fields for specific 2-digit days.
			-- Change curly double quotes (possibly used for easier editing in tabular data) in dFormat
			-- to straight ASCII double quotes (required for parsing of this JSON-encoded table).
			local D = mw.text.jsonDecode(mw.ustring.gsub(dFormat, '[„“‟”]', '"')) --com = mw.dumpObject(D)
			-- If the desired day is not in that JSON table, then use its "default" case.
			dFormat = D[string.format('d%02i', day)] or D.default
            -- Change ASCII single quotes to ASCII double quotes used for {{#time}} marking.
            -- Apostrophes needed in plain-text must not use ASCII single quotes but curly apostrophe
            -- e.g. { ‟default”: ‟j”, ‟d01”: ‟j’'o'” }, not { ‟default”: ‟j”, ‟d01”: ‟j''o'” }.
		dFormat = dFormat:gsub("'", '"')
		return dFormat
	local T = {}
	local tab ='', lang)
	for _, row in pairs( do -- convert the output into a dictionary table
		local id, _, msg = unpack(row)
		T[id] = msg
    -- Compatibility of legacy data using 'HMS' or 'HM', where 'M' is ambiguous
    T.YMDhms = T.YMDhms or T.YMDHMS
    T.YMDhm = T.YMDhm or T.YMDHM
    datecode = datecode == 'YMDHMS' and 'YMDhms' or datecode == 'YMDHM' and 'YMDhm' or datecode

	local dFormat = T[datecode]
	if dFormat == 'default' and (datecode == 'YMDhms' or datecode == 'YMDhm')  then 
		-- For most languages adding hour:minute:second is done by adding ", HH:ii:ss to the 
		-- day precission date, those languages are skipped in and default to 
		-- English which stores word "default"
		dFormat = parseFormat(T['YMD'], day).. ', H:i'
		if datecode == 'YMDhms' then
			dFormat = dFormat .. ':s'
		dFormat = parseFormat(dFormat, day)
	return dFormat

-- Look up proper format string to be passed to {{#time}} parser function
--  * month : month number
--  * case  : gramatic case abbriviation, like "ins", "loc"
--  * lang  : language
--  * dFormat : input to {{#time}} function
local function MonthCase(month, case, lang)
	local T = {{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}}
	local tab ='I18n/', lang)
	for _, row in pairs( do
		local mth, cs, msg = unpack(row)
		T[mth][cs] = msg
	return T[month][case]

-- ==================================================
-- === External functions ===========================
-- ==================================================
local p = {}

--[[ ========================================================================================
This function is the core part of the ISOdate template. 
  local Date = require('Module:DateI18n')._Date
  local dateStr = Date({2020, 12, 30, 12, 20, 11}, lang)
  * {year,month,day,hour,minute,second, tzhour, tzmin}: broken down date-time component strings or numbers
		tzhour, tzmin are timezone offsets from UTC, hours and minutes
  * lang: The language to display it in
  * case: Language format (genitive, etc.) for some languages
  * class: CSS class for the <time> node, use "" for no metadata at all
function p._Date(datevec, lang, case, class, trim_year)	
	-- make sure inputs are in the right format
	if not lang or not mw.language.isValidCode( lang ) then
		lang = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction( "int", "lang" ) -- get user's chosen language
	if lang == 'be-tarask' then
		lang = 'be-x-old'
	-- process datevec and extract timeStamp and datecode strings as well as numeric datenum array
	local datecode,  datenum  = parserDatevec(datevec)
	local year, month, day = datenum[1], datenum[2], datenum[3]
	local timeStamp, datecode = getTimestamp(datecode, datenum)
	if not timeStamp then -- something went wrong in parserDatevec
		return ''
	-- Commons [[]] page stores prefered formats for diferent 
	-- languages and datecodes (specifying year-month-day or just year of month-day, etc)
	-- Look up country specific format input to {{#time}} function
	local dFormat = getDateFormat(datecode, day, lang)

	-- By default the gramatical case is not specified (case=='') allowing the format to be specified 
	-- in [[]]. You can overwrite the default grammatical case of the month by 
	-- specifying "case" variable. This is needed mostly by Slavic languages to create more complex 
	-- phrases as it is done in [[c:Module:Complex date]]
	case = case or ''
	if (lang=='qu' or lang=='qug') and case=='nom' then
		-- Special case related to Quechua and Kichwa languages. The form in the I18n is
		--  Genitive case with suffix "pi" added to month names provided by {#time}}
		-- in Nominative case that "pi" should be removed
		-- see from 2014
		dFormat = dFormat:gsub('F"pi"', 'F')
	elseif case == 'gen' then
		dFormat = strReplace(dFormat, "F", "xg")
	elseif case == 'nom' then
		dFormat = strReplace(dFormat, "xg", "F")
	elseif case ~= '' then
		-- see is page [[Data:I18n/]] on Commons have name of the month 
		-- in specific gramatic case in desired language. If we have it than replace 
		-- "F" and xg" in dFormat
		local monthMsg = MonthCase(month, case, lang)
		if  monthMsg and monthMsg ~= '' then -- make sure it exists
			dFormat = strReplace(dFormat, 'F',  '"'..monthMsg..'"') -- replace default month with month name we already looked up
			dFormat = strReplace(dFormat, 'xg', '"'..monthMsg..'"')

    -- Translate the date using specified format.
	-- See and 
	-- for explanation of the format
	local langObj =
	local datestr = langObj:formatDate(dFormat, timeStamp) -- same as using {{#time}} parser function
	-- Special case related to Thai solar calendar: prior to 1940 new-year was at different time of year,
	-- so just year (datecode == 'Y') is ambiguous and is replaced by "YYYY or YYYY" phrase
	if lang=='th' and datecode=='Y' and year<=1940 then
		datestr = string.format('%04i หรือ %04i', year+542, year+543 ) 
	-- If year < 1000 than either keep the date padded to the length of 4 digits or trim it.
	-- Decide if the year will stay padded with zeros (for years in 0-999 range).
	if year and year < 1000 then
		trim_year = yesno(trim_year, '100-999')
		if type(trim_year) == 'string' then
			-- If `trim_year` not a simple boolean, then it's a range of dates.
			-- For example '100-999' means to pad 1-or-2-digit years to be 4-digit long, while keeping 3-digit years as is.
			local YMin, YMax = trim_year:match( '(%d+)-(%d+)' )
			trim_year = YMin and year >= tonumber(YMin) and year <= tonumber(YMax)
		if trim_year then
			datestr = trimYear(datestr, year, lang) -- in datestr replace long year with trimmed one

	-- Append a timezone if present (after the hour and minute of the day).
	if datenum[7] and (datecode.sub(1, 5) == 'YMDhm' or datecode.sub(1, 4) == 'MDhm') then
		-- Use {{#time}} parser function to create timezone string, so that we use the correct character set.
		local sign = (datenum[7]<0) and '−' or '+'
		timeStamp = string.format("2000-01-01 %02i:%02i:00", math.abs(datenum[7]), datenum[8] or 0)
		local timezone = langObj:formatDate('H:i', timeStamp) -- same as using {{#time}} parser function
		datestr = string.format("%s %s%s", datestr, sign, timezone )

	-- HTML formating of date string and tagging for microformats (only for absolute dates with a year).
	if class and class ~= '' and datecode.sub(1,1) == 'Y' then --
		datestr =
            ('<time class="%s" datetime="%s" lang="%s" dir="%s" style="white-space:nowrap">%s</time>')
            :format(class, timeStamp, lang, langObj:getDir(), datestr)
	return datestr

--[[ ========================================================================================
This function is the core part of the ISOdate template. 
  * year, month, day, hour, minute, second: broken down date-time component strings
  * tzhour, tzmin: timezone offset from UTC, hours and minutes
  * lang: The language to display it in
  * case: Language format (genitive, etc.) for some languages
  * class: CSS class for the <time> node, use "" for no metadata at all
function p.Date(frame)
	local args = {}
	for name, value in pairs( frame.args ) do 
		name = string.gsub( string.lower(name), ' ', '_')
		args[name] = value
	return p._Date(	
		{ args.year, args.month,, args.hour, args.minute, args.second, args.tzhour, args.tzmin },
		args.lang,                  -- language,                  -- allows to specify grammatical case for the month for languages that use them
		args.class or 'dtstart',    -- allows to set the html class of the time node where the date is included. This is useful for microformats.
		args.trim_year or '100-999' -- by default pad one and 2 digit years to be 4 digit long, while keeping 3 digit years as is

return p